Outdoor Portraits

Professional portraits taken outside

Natural and beautiful.

Not too long anymore until spring/outdoor photo saison will arrive.

Outdoor portrait of a young woman in nature taken by Berlin based portrait photographer Caroline Wimmer
Portrait photography on location outdoor and in nature by berlin photographer Caroline Wimmer
Portrait of a young woman outdoors in nature by Berlin based photographer Caroline Wimmer

I very much enjoy taking portraits of people.
My focus is on natural and intense portraits. I shoot at my studio near Treptower Park but also the park itself is a great location. 

These portraits outdoors not only work for private purposes but also for business .
Can be business portrait, application picture, author portrait and more.
 Your are welcome to shoot with me. There is also the option to combine studio session and outdoor portrait.

I am looking forward to getting your message and shoot with you soon!

About me

I just LOVE taking pictures of people and I`m happy to take your portrait too.

This is what my clients say:

Portrait Outdoor

00 inkl. Mwstr.
  • Shooting ca 20 minutes
  • 1 Outfit
  • somewhere close to Treptower Park
  • preselection 50 pictures
  • 1 retouched picture - color and b/w
  • as a digital file for web and print

Portrait Outdoor

00 inkl. Mwstr.
  • Shooting ca 45 minutes
  • 3 Outfits
  • somewhere close to Treptower Park
  • preselection 100 pictures
  • 3 retouched pictures - color and b/w
  • as digital files for web and print

Portrait Outdoor

00 inkl. Mwstr.
  • Theme/location of your choice (Berlin)
  • Shooting ca 1 hour
  • 3 Outfits
  • preselection 100 pictures
  • 3 retouched pictures - color and b/w
  • as digital files for web and print

*Incl. private and business usage rights (website, social media)


  • each additional edited image € 30.00
  • all thumbnails in full resolution and without watermark from € 150.00
  • PR LICENSE, extended rights of use for press, magazines or commercial use from €100 per image
Creative outdoor portrait of a young woman in nature taken by Berlin based portrait photographer Caroline Wimmer
Outdoor portrait of a young man in nature taken by Berlin based portrait photographer Caroline Wimmer
creative outdoor Yoga photography with yoga teachers in Berlin streets and parks by Berlin based sports photographer Caroline Wimmer
Portrait photography on location outdoor and in nature by berlin photographer Caroline Wimmer
Creative outdoor portrait of a young woman in nature taken by Berlin based portrait photographer Caroline Wimmer
Portrait of a young woman outdoors in nature by Berlin based photographer Caroline Wimmer
Portrait photography on location outdoor and in nature by berlin photographer Caroline Wimmer

Get in touch

Caroline Wimmer Photography


Studio ATP24
Am Treptower Park 24
12435 Berlin

Opening Hours

MON-FR 10:00 – 19:00
(upon request)