
Caroline Wimmer

Professional photographer in Berlin with a passion for people and mushrooms

My camera is with me most of my waking hours. I just HAVE to be prepared when a great opportunity for a special picture comes along. It’s a blessing and a curse.

I love to tell stories. I create them, but also just collect them as they cross my path.
I am a hoarder of moments, emotions, situations, details, faces…

Based in Berlin, I love this city and enjoy living and working here. But also I take every opportunity to flee it and travel.

My working method is rather spontaneous. I plan to the necessary extent, but also love to improvise while I shoot. This gives me the opportunity to react to moments which might otherwise be missed.

I am passionate with my commissioned client work as well as my personal projects .
And I would love to help you tell your story with my photography!

Portrait of Berlin based photographer Caroline Wimmer taken infront of a handpainted backdrop at her photostudio ATP24 at Treptower Park

Professional photographer in Berlin

My camera is with me most of my waking hours. I just HAVE to be prepared when a great opportunity for a special picture comes along. It’s a blessing and a curse.

I love to tell stories. I create them, but also just collect them as they cross my path.
I am a hoarder of moments, emotions, situations, details, faces…

Based in Berlin, I love this city and enjoy living and working here. But also I take every opportunity to flee it and travel.

My working method is rather spontaneous. I plan to the necessary extent, but also love to improvise while I shoot. This gives me the opportunity to react to moments which might otherwise be missed.

I am passionate with my commissioned client work as well as my personal projects .
And I would love to help you tell your story with my photography!

Caroline Wimmer

professional photographer


Adzine – Magazin für Online-Marketing I Amorph Berlin I BAFZA – Bundesamt für Familie und zivilgesellschaftliche Angelegenheiten I Babel Deutschland e.V. I Barracuda Barcatering I BAS Kundenservice GmbH & Co. KG I BBDO Berlin GmbH I Berlin Cuisine I b.e.r.n.d. Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH I Boana I BOSCH I brandbuero Media GmbH I Brother Brother I bulwiengesa AG I Butter. GmbH Berlin I Castle Tech GmbH I Clipperton Finance GmbH I Continental Realty N.V. – Real Estate Investment I datagraf Copenhagen I dreiFedern GmbH I European Environmental Bureau I Esh Loh I Ferrero – Ferrero Roadshow I Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) I Garbicz Festival I German Federal Ministry (BMAS) I GLUT Berlin UG I GS1 Germany I Home 2 Go I Immobilienscout24 I InSight gg Gmbh I Karlsson Penthouse I Kiez Hypnose Berlin I Lesben- und Schwulenverband Berlin-Brandenburg (LSVD) e. V. I Lingoda GmbH I Lorenz & Borchardt GbR I LuxmedIQ Deutschland UG I Maisonnoee I MARC O‘POLO License AG I Museum für Kommunikation Berlin I M&C Saatchi Berlin GmbH I Marketwing GmbH I Metaebene Personal Media I Moccu I Ollanski I Raum 11 – Corporate & Event Fotoagentur I Robert Bosch Stiftung I semasio I SimplyDelivery GmbH I smart I SONY I TH Wildau I Pepsi homemade I Watergate I WeWork I Yieldlab I ZNP Zimmermann, Nötzold, Partner Rechtsanwälte und Notare


2010 “Augen zu” – Group show in Bedburg-Hau
2023 “Transmogrify” – Group show at the Alte Limofabrik, Koblenz
2023 “Transmogrify Part Deux” – Group show at Bahnhof Groß Köris
2024 “Metempsychosis” – Group show by Sylia, Projekt Interim, Berlin




C’est Moi I Eyewear – The Visual Magazin I Fast Company Magazine I ELEGANT I Finans I Fotomagazin I Kaltblut I Madame I Max Joseph I Mimik I Mitteschön I mologue I Nöjesguiden I REY Magazine I Rosegarden I Storybook I Ud&Se I Vi Läser I Milk X

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at "work"